Congratulations! a new beautiful ship is now ready to explore the seas, MSC SeaScape.
Citing the CEO of Fincantieri Pierroberto Folgiero -
"Ieri abbiamo consegnato nello stabilimento Fincantieri di Monfalcone la MSC Seascape: la nave più grande mai costruita in Italia. Momenti come questo mi fanno pensare al privilegio che rappresenta guidare questa azienda. "
The MSC Seascape is the new biggest ship built in Italy... not a small archivement for sure! Congratulations goes for sure to all the micro an macro companies involed. This is a new milestone for the industry. Congratulations to all!
Now it's time to seek for some Accessibility features inside this beautiful big Cruise ship, we are very curious... and also some of the new Restrooms, what design is followed?.